10 Days
A supermarket
Art, performances, concerts
“Small” philanthropy

An international art and philanthropy project joining artists, cultural operators, art collectors and actors in the food supply chain who firmly believe and claim that art is essential for the physical, psychic and spiritual wellbeing of all individuals.


  • Artists
  • Cultural operators
  • Art collectors
  • Art supporters
  • Supermarkets


Editions of the #10cents – ART AT THE SUPERMARKET Project may take place wherever there are people selling and buying food.
All editions must host a minimum of 2 artists.

The Supportive Art R-evolution – “small” philanthropy

Every customer may become a philanthropist by making a free donation (even 10 cents) to support the artists joining the #10cents – ART AT THE SUPERMARKET Project. Contributions will be equally divided between ART AT THE SUPERMARKET nonprofit organization and the artists appearing on its editions.


Every 10 days, 10% of total amount of funds raised on each edition will be donated to an artist or cultural operator suffering from financial, physical or social distress, or coming from a country where basic human rights are denied.
The organization of #10cents-ART AT THE SUPERMARKET Project and each edition joining in will be responsible for the selection of grantees.



You can apply with a short presentation of your work/performance attaching files or links to your portfolio (3MB max). The organization of #10cents – ART AT THE SUPERMARKET Project will make a preliminary selection. We’ll try to involve as many artists as we can in the Project.


You can join the Project by sending an e-mail showing your interest in offering a shelf, a cart, a window, or a dedicated spot in your supermarket or shop. Send an e-mail to show your interest to: You will be contacted by the organization to confirm your interest, and your shop will be assigned to local artists and a collector.


To join the #10cents – ART AT THE SUPERMARKET Project you will be asked to provide one of the works in your collection for display in a supermarket or grocery shop for at least 10 days.
Send an e-mail to show your interest to: You will be contacted by the organization to confirm your interest, and you will be assigned to the nearest supermarket or grocery shop.

ART SUPPORTERS #10centsnomination

You can nominate a supermarket or a grocery shop by tagging it on the #10cents – ART AT THE SUPERMARKET social media, using the hashtag #10centsnomination. You can do that also by e-mail, or presenting the project to a supermarket or grocery shop of your own choice.
You can use the hashtag #10centsnomination also to promote and present the #10cents – ART AT THE SUPERMARKET Project to a collector, a cultural institution or whoever might be willing to contribute to the Project.

  • Editions of the #10cents – ART AT THE SUPERMARKET Project may take place wherever there are people selling and buying food.
  • All editions must host a minimum of 2 artists.
  • Collectors or artists joining the Project will keep on being exclusive owners of the works of art on display, but they will share fruition of them with customers of supermarkets and grocery shops.
  • At the end of every edition of the #10cents – ART AT THE SUPERMARKET Project, an artist will be nominated to appear in a later edition; the other artists will be selected by the organization of the #10CENTS – ART IN THE SUPERMARKET Project.
  • All artists joining the #10cents – ART IN THE SUPERMARKET Project may appear in just one edition in 4 months, and just one special project in 6 months, except the artists who appeared in the #10CENTS – ART AT THE SUPERMARKET ZERO EDITION, the pilot event, who will be involved also in later editions of the official Project itself, but following these same rules.
  • If you’re an artist and you nominate a collector who owns your works, that collector won’t be allowed to provide them for display.
  • All artists will be responsible for setting and unsetting their own works.
  • All artists will be asked to sign a written agreement to confirm their acceptance of terms of participation to the Project.


A common advertising campaign for all editions.
Poster template to download and use for the promotion of all editions of the project and a guide with directions about the promotion of all events will be sent to participant artists.

#10centsproject #artatthesupermarket #10centsnomination #giuseppinagiordano #nameoftheparticipantartist